Thursday 5 January 2012


We all make new year resolutions and everyone knows they dont last long .........mine is to TRY and keep my blog up to date .
I can come up with loads of excuses
ie . havnt got time
nothing happening
But they are just excuses so I`ll try and do better .
Rob and I had a very quiet christmas and new year ,Robi , Tracy, Lloyd, Josie and her partner Rick all went off to spend 2 weeks in Leeds with Tracy s Mum and Dad so we had 2 weeks at their place dog sitting . We came home for an hour or two every other day to keep up with the garden here in Bribie but Rob spent most of his time working in Robi s very large and slightly neglected garden while I did a little cleaning and lots of reading . By the way ,Bosley was fine,I dont even think he noticed they were away . Anyway we are home again now and back into normal routine.So we`ll soon see how long my resolution lasts.

Friday 11 November 2011

Its good news week

I want to tell you a story ,although its Robs story not mine. Way back in May,Rob needed a medical to renew his driving license. This included a PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) blood test . The test came back with an elevated level that the GP said was "cause for concern".
There followed weeks of repeat tests at Caboolture Hospital (half hour drive away ) then consultant appointments at Redcliffe Hospital ( an hours drive away but the nearest hospital with an urology dept) and finally a day at Redcliffe for biopsy under sedation .
That was two weeks ago and yesterday we went for the results .
No malignancy detected ....... age related prostate enlargement needing a further blood test in 6months at GP and 12 months at the hospital ,
So folks it really is good news week ..

Sunday 23 October 2011

my last post didn`t quite go as well as I hoped .Pix appearing sideways on ,those with laptops please rotate, laptops that is ,not self. I`ll try again with some more pix

Saturday 22 October 2011

sorry folks

Big bro has spoken. I must keep my blog up to date . I had no idea it was so long since I wrote anything ,my excuse being "nothing much happening" Anyway ,this morning on our walk I took the camera and snapped a few things .
Nothing out of the ordinary ,just things we see every day, ie the view from the end of our street and flora and fauna ,some of the plants we pass in other peoples gardens smell heavenly, some are just big.
last week on the same walk we passed the Arbourists tree climbing championships .Of course I didn`t have the camera with me but I`ve included pix from the local paper.
We see Robi and Tracy whenever they have a weekend off together ,usually every other weekend. Lloyd at 18 does his own thing and has a new girlfriend , Josie comes whenever she can with her partner Rick (they live in Brissie ).
We spend most of our time quietly here on the Island ,life is good.
Well ,I`ll have a go and see if I can upload some pix..

Tuesday 30 August 2011

One year today

Its one year today since we arrived in Oz and it has flown by. We are up earlier and out and about more ,the weather certainly helps. Rob does his long walks and sits and watches the boats out in the Passage ,I join him sometimes (but not always) walking is his thing not mine. I have the trike with large basket for local shopping and now a two wheel bike as well.
A few weeks ago I decided it was time I got out to meet people so I joined the local L F A ..(library friends ass) this involves volunteer duties at the library ,ie : sitting in at kids story time,returning books to the shelves, and serving tea and coffee when guest speakers come.Nothing too taxing .
Meetings are once a month and we also started a book club yesterday . 8 of us will read the same book then get together to discuss it.
Last weekend Robi and Tracy came over and we took the boat for its maiden voyage ,very enjoyable and some thing we will do more often when Robi has time . Hes the one with the boat licence and four wheel drive to tow the trailer.

Wednesday 13 July 2011


Rob got back safe and well after several hours walking through the bird sanctuary (feathered variety) >he said he only rang to check if he could get a signal on his mobile.
Today he was off again this time for more than 4 hours but 2 of those I spent at our local cinema watching the final Harry Potter movie in 3D.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

If at first.....ect

Tried to post to the blog recently,wrote loads and loads (but didn`t save it) and nothing appeared on the blog so I went wrong somewhere, LOL.
Wont write too much this time. Rob is out walking ,he just rang to say he`s in the middle of nowhere ,not sure which way is out....I promised to send a search party if he`s not home by tea time ..........its no laughing matter really as there are miles of national park on the Island.
I`ll update when he gets home.